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An Introduction to Noetic Engineering


Updated: Aug 8, 2023

In many medieval battles, the majority of deaths happened after the outcome was decided. Once a line breaks, the best hope for any individual soldier on the losing side is to run, even though a lot of them will be killed in the subsequent mopping up operation.

Today, the battle between materialist and paranormal models of the universe are in an analogous state. Through decades of mockery by dogmatic materialists, parapsychologists have been undeterred in applying the scientific method and piling up experimental results - to the point that today, any debate about the reality of phenomena like the Ganzfeld effect, Distance Healing or precognition is like a battle between a bronze age culture and one capable of mass-producing steel weaponry. Things aren't completely asymmetric the way bringing a post-gunpowder society into the mix would be, but the outcome of pitting the materialist's ad homina against the parapsychologist's peer-reviewed studies is, over the long term, a given. Which leaves those intrepid scientists of the noetic spaces with the perennial question, what's next?

Noetic Engineering is one possible answer. After the ancient Greeks had their heyday of seeking truth, the Romans had an equally long period of seeking applications. Romans were the engineers to the Greek's philosophers, as concerned with practical applications as their predecessors with abstraction. Noetic engineering takes a similarly practical approach to the discoveries made in the fields of parapsychology, psychophisics, or noetic sciences in the centuries since Newton. Through studies of questions like the effect of light on psychology, the nature of time, or simple intention practice, it seeks to add a practical dimension to the noetic studies. And who knows - in seeking new applications, we might even make new discoveries as well.

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